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Citrus Fruits

Healthy Mexican Recipes 

At Mas Que Frito?, we believe in providing delicious Mexican cuisine without compromising on taste or health. We are passionate about using the freshest ingredients to create dishes that are as flavorful as they are healthy. Our recipes take inspiration from traditional Mexican cooking, using fresh herbs and spices to bring out the best flavors. We strive to make our food accessible and enjoyable for everyone, whether you're a seasoned healthy-eater or just starting to explore healthy option

Beverages Recipes 

At Mas Que Frito?, we take pride in our authentic Mexican drink recipes. Every recipe is made with the finest ingredients, and we keep the traditional elements intact, while adding our own twist to impart unique flavors. Whether you're looking to entertain guests with a signature drink or enjoy a refreshing beverage on a hot day, our recipes are sure to impress.


Horchata is a traditional Mexican drink made with a base of ground rice or almonds, flavored with cinnamon and other spices, and sweetened with sugar.The traditional Mexican version is a sweet, creamy, and refreshing beverage that is usually served chilled. The origins of horchata are unknown, but it is believed to have been around since pre-Hispanic times.

In English:


Sweetener or maple syrup 

En Español







Edulcorante o jarabe de arce


Step 1: Add 4 cups of water. 1 cup of rice and 2 sticks of cinnamon to a blender. 


Step 2: Blend 2 minutes or until the everything is crushed 


Step 3: Add 2 cups of milk or any type of your choosing.


Step 4:  Add Vanilla, Sweeten with sweetener, or maple syrup of your choice. 


Step 5: Strain the water, Serve in a glass filled with ice and enjoy!



Paso 1: Agrega 4 tazas de agua. 1 taza de arroz y 2 ramas de canela a una licuadora.


Paso 2: Licuar 2 minutos o hasta que esté todo triturado


Paso 3: Agrega 2 tazas de leche o cualquier tipo de tu elección.


Paso 4:  Agrega vainilla, endulza con edulcorante o jarabe de arce de tu elección.


Paso 5: Cuela el agua, sirve en un vaso lleno de hielo y ¡a disfrutar!


Jamaica is a traditional Mexican drink made from the Hibiscus flower. The drink is incredibly healthy, containing high levels of Vitamin C and minerals. It is loaded with antioxidants and is known to help lower blood pressure, improve liver health, and reduce inflammation.

In English:


Hibiscus flower
Strainer or colander 
Sweetener, maple syrup your choice 

In Spanish:


Flor Hibiscus
colador o colador
Edulcorante, jarabe de arce a tu elección




Step 1: Add 4 cups of water and the dried hibiscus flowers. 


Step 2: Pour colander. Discard the used used hibiscus flowers.


Step 3: Add sweetener, or 1/3 cup maple syrup of your choice.

Paso 1: Agrega 4 tazas de agua y las flores secas de hibisco.


Paso 2: vierte el colador. Deseche las flores de hibisco usadas.


Paso 3: agregue edulcorante o 1/3 de taza de jarabe de arce de su elección.

Savory Food Recipes 

 Mas Que Frito?!, we believe that eating healthy shouldn't mean sacrificing flavor. That's why we use only the best ingredients in all our dishes. We offer a wide variety of delicious and healthy options, including vegetarian and gluten-free choices. Our dishes are made fresh daily to ensure peak flavor and nutrition. From our famous salsas to our homemade tortillas, we are dedicated to bringing a healthy twist to traditional Mexican cuisine.



Soya Ceviche 

To make ceviche healthier, you can substitute the traditional shrimp or seafood with soy-based protein, such as tofu or tempeh. These plant-based alternatives are low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making them a healthier choice. Additionally, you can also add an array of colorful vegetables like bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes to increase the nutritional value and add a refreshing crunch to your ceviche.

In English


1 cup dried soy

8 cups of water

1/2 chopped purple onions 

2 chopped cucumber 

2 chopped tomatoes

1 avacado

1 pinch salt

1 pinch of pepper

5 large lime for juice


En Español


1 taza de soja seca

8 tazas de agua

1/2 cebolla morada picada

2 pepinos picados

2 tomates picados

1 aguacate

1 pizca de sal

1 pizca de pimienta

5 limas grandes para jugo


Step 1: Boil water and add soy 


Step 2: strain with collider and let it cool 


Step 3: add chopped purple onion, cucumber and tomatoes.


Step 4: add lime juice and plate




Paso 1: Hervir agua y agregar soja.


Paso 2: colar con colisionador y dejar enfriar.


Paso 3: agrega la cebolla morada picada, el pepino y los tomates.


Paso 4: agregue el jugo de lima y emplate



In English
En Español

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
261Calories 8gFat 39gCarbs 10gProtein Approx.



A tostada is a flat, crispy corn tortilla that is typically layered with mashed or refried beans, protein, cheese and toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and avocado.

In English


Greek Yogurt or Low-Calorie Sour Cream
Green Onion
Bell Peppers
Refried Beans or Black Beans

En Español

Yogur griego o crema agria baja en calorías
Cebolla verde
Frijoles Refritos o Frijoles Negros



STEP 1: Chop your green onion, lettuce, and bell peppers into tiny bite sides pieces


STEP 2: In a saucepan start to heat up your beans, and while it is cooking start to mash them until almost mashed potato-like


STEP 3: While the beans are cooking, start cooking your chicken with whatever seasoning you’d like


STEP 4: After both the beans and chicken are done, cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces

Then grab a tostada and start to spread beans onto it


STEP 5: Add as much as your want of bell pepper, lettuce, green onion Optional: add Greek yogurt or low-calorie sour cream. 






Paso 1: Pique la cebolla verde, la lechuga y los pimientos morrones en trozos pequeños.


Paso 2: En una cacerola comienza a calentar los frijoles, y mientras se cocina comienza a triturarlos hasta que queden casi como puré de papa.


Paso 3: Mientras se cocinan los frijoles, comienza a cocinar el pollo con el condimento que prefieras.


Paso 4: Después de que tanto los frijoles como el pollo estén cocidos, corte el pollo en trozos pequeños. Luego toma una tostada y comienza a untarle frijoles.


Paso 5: Agregue todo lo que desee de pimiento morrón, lechuga y cebolla verde.
Opcional: agregue yogur griego o crema agria baja en calorías.



Nutrition Facts (per serving)
140 Calories 8gFat 9gCarbs 10gProtein Approx.


Rich, dark and delicious, mole is a signature sauce in Mexican cooking. There are many variations, but the basic ingredients include plenty of chiles and nuts along with a touch of chocolate to tame the heat of the chiles. 


libras de pollo deshuesado

aceite de canola


chile en polvo

comino molido

canela molida

lata de salsa de tomate

caldo de pollo reducido en sodio

chips de chocolate semidulce

mantequilla de maní

pounds boneless chicken

canola oil 


chili powder

ground cumin 

ground cinnamon

can of tomato sauce

reduced-sodium chicken broth

semisweet chocolate chips

 peanut butter


In English


En Español

Step 1: Season chicken with 1/8 teaspoon salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook


Step 2: Reduce heat to medium. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, garlic, chile powder, cumin, cinnamon and the remaining 1/8 teaspoon salt to the pan. Cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.


Step 3: Add tomato sauce, broth, chocolate chips and almond (or peanut) butter; stir to combine. Serve sprinkled with sesame seeds.


Paso 1: Sazone el pollo con 1/8 de cucharadita de sal y pimienta. Calienta 1 cucharada de aceite en una sartén antiadherente grande a fuego medio-alto. Agrega el pollo y cocina


Paso 2: Reduzca el fuego a medio. Agregue la 1 cucharada de aceite restante, el ajo, el chile en polvo, el comino, la canela y el 1/8 de cucharadita de sal restante a la sartén. Cocine, revolviendo, hasta que esté fragante, aproximadamente 30 segundos.


Paso 3: Agrega la salsa de tomate, el caldo, las chispas de chocolate y la mantequilla de almendras (o maní); revuelve para combinar. Servir espolvoreado con semillas de sésamo.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
382 Calories 24gFat 14gCarbs 30gProtein Approx.



Traditional ceviche recipes consists of raw seafood tossed with an acidic marinade (think: citrus juice or vinegar) that “cooks” the fish. In this shrimp ceviche recipe, we cook the shrimp before marinating it in lemon, lime and orange juices, plus chiles for some heat. Avocado adds creaminess to help the dish come together. 

In English


En Español


1 pound raw shrimp

Juice of 6 limes 


Red onion 



1 libra de camarones crudos

Jugo de 6 limas


cebolla roja




STEP 1: Add shrimp with salt ann let it soak with the limes until cooked. 


STEP 2: Add Clamato, Stir tomato, avocado, chopped cilantro, oil and 1/4 teaspoon salt into the shrimp mixture. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. Garnish with cilantro leaves, if desired


PASO 1: Agregue los camarones con sal y déjelos en remojo con las limas hasta que estén cocidos.


PASO 2: Agrega el clamato, el tomate revuelto, el aguacate, el cilantro picado, el aceite y 1/4 de cucharadita de sal a la mezcla de camarones. Deje reposar a temperatura ambiente durante 30 minutos antes de servir. Adorne con hojas de cilantro, si lo desea.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
16Calories 11gFat 9gCarbs 9gProtein Approx. 


Pozole is a Mexican stew that's traditionally made with hominy and meat and topped with various garnishes. Pozole is served as a festive dish to celebrate holidays as well as an everyday meal. Vegetarian pozole often substitutes beans for the meat in the stew.

In English


1 cup dried cannellini beans soaked overnight

2 cups chopped yellow onions 

2 cups chopped seeded poblano peppers

3 large cloves garlic

1 tablespoon ancho chile powder 

1 tablespoon chili powder

2 teaspoons dried oregano 

1 teaspoon ground cumin

6 cups low-sodium vegetable broth

6 tablespoons prepared tomatillo salsa 

1 tablespoon lime juice


En Español


1 taza de frijoles cannellini secos remojados durante la noche

2 tazas de cebollas amarillas picadas

2 tazas de chiles poblanos picados y sin semillas

3 dientes de ajo grandes

1 cucharada de chile ancho en polvo

1 cucharada de chile en polvo

2 cucharaditas de orégano seco

1 cucharadita de comino molido

6 tazas de caldo de verduras bajo en sodio

6 cucharadas de salsa de tomatillo preparada

1 cucharada de jugo de lima



Step 1: Drain beans and transfer to a 6-quart slow cooker.


Step 2: Add onions and poblanos; cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 4 minutes.


Step 3: Add garlic, ancho chile powder, chili powder, oregano and cumin; cook, stirring often, until fragrant, about 1 minute.


Step 4: Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker. Stir in broth and hominy. Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit inside the slow cooker and press it directly onto the pozole.


Step 5: Cover with the lid and cook on Low until the beans are tender, 7 to 8 hours. Discard the parchment paper.


Step 6: Stir salsa, lime juice and salt into the pozole. Serve topped with cabbage, radishes and cilantro.


Paso 1: Escurrir los frijoles y transferirlos a una olla de cocción lenta de 6 cuartos.


Paso 2: Agrega las cebollas y los poblanos; cocine, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que estén tiernos, aproximadamente 4 minutos.


Paso 3: Agrega el ajo, el chile ancho en polvo, el chile en polvo, el orégano y el comino; cocine, revolviendo con frecuencia, hasta que esté fragante, aproximadamente 1 minuto.


Paso 4: transfiere la mezcla a la olla de cocción lenta. Agregue el caldo y el maíz molido. Corta un trozo de papel pergamino para que quepa dentro de la olla de cocción lenta y presiónalo directamente sobre el pozole.


Paso 5: Cubra con la tapa y cocine a temperatura baja hasta que los frijoles estén tiernos, de 7 a 8 horas. Deseche el papel pergamino.


Paso 6: Agrega la salsa, el jugo de limón y la sal al pozole. Sirva cubierto con repollo, rábanos y cilantro.

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
261Calories 8gFat 39gCarbs 10gProtein Approx.

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